Wide recolorable gradient
Halftone pattern background

Cards & Clicks Made Easy!

Credit Card Icon

Accept all major cards

Business Infographic Concept Icon. Growing Graph Icon. Statistic Graph

Track sales in the Yoco App

delivery truck icon

Free delivery in SA

Streamlined Payments:

Thinking Speech Bubble

on your Yoco Machine



Machines for every type of business

Neo Touch - R899

Our latest card machine featuring a stylish design, unlimited 4G data,

and an intuitive


Yoco Khumo - R1199

(was R1499)

The intelligent card machine designed for expanding businesses. A standalone device with rapid transaction times and unlimited 4G data.

Khumo Print - R1999

Experience peak performance with our robust card machine, crafted for high-traffic environments. Unlimited 4G data, WiFi, and a built-in printer.

Yoco App

Stay seamlessly connected to your business through the free Yoco App. Create your Yoco profile, track payments, monitor sales, send invoices, and more.

Witness every transaction

Keep a live record of each sale

right in your pocket.

Generate & send invoices

Generate, send, and track digital invoices effortlessly with Yoco Invoice.

Receive quick payouts

Initiate your funds instantly with Instant Payout.

Supermarket - Payment Card Machine

Own your card machine

No need to lease a card machine indefinitely with Yoco. Make a one-time purchase, and it's yours.

history transaction icon

A single transaction fee

For transactions, you only incur charges when you receive payments. No hidden or recurring fees. Ever.

Costs decrease as sales increase

As you conduct more transactions with Yoco, your rates decrease. Additionally, when you receive payments through various Yoco products, your transactions merge to provide you with the most favorable fees.

Yoco charges a single transaction fee. NO settlement fees, hidden costs, penalties, or monthly data charges.

Growth icon. Profit growing icon. Growing graph symbol.

We help you grow

Fees decrease with increased transactions, and high-turnover businesses receive tailored rates.

Fees FAQs

Abstract Geometric Shape

Why are your transaction fees higher than banks?

We can’t always beat the competition on rates. But that’s because they’re getting their money from you in other ways. We charge (on average) slightly higher than the banks because the only compulsory fee you pay with Yoco is the transaction fee. Nothing hidden, nothing recurring.

Why are online fees higher than in-person fees?

Around the world, online transactions cost 0.5% more than card machine fees. To offset this, you can combine your card machine and online transaction totals to get even lower fees for both.

Do my fees really go down as my transaction volume increases?

Yes. After 3 months of using Yoco payments, we automatically lower your transaction fees based on your latest transaction volumes. And once your fees go down, they never go up again.

What about monthly fees or minimum transaction fees?

With Yoco, the only thing you pay is a once-off fee for the card machines and a small transaction fee per sale. No contracts, no monthly fees, no rent and no minimum transaction fee.



* Free delivery anywhere in SA within 3 working days.


includes free charging stand

The New Neo Touch

It’s Fast

Tap or insert all major cards to get paid in 2.7 seconds.

It’s Smart

Its touchscreen is super responsive and easy to use.

It’s Standalone

No pairing to a phone or tablet needed. Just turn on and sell.

The Neo Touch even comes with a drama-free launch special. Buy yours now and get a free charging stand. Place it on your counter to keep your Neo Touch charged and your payments boring.

Create sales notes and accept tips. Record cash sales and view your sales history. Process refunds, and send receipts via SMS or email. All from your Neo Touch.

Was R1499



* Free delivery anywhere in SA within 3 working days.

Yoco Khumo

Smarter than smart

Smartphone Outline Icon
Lightbulb Icon

Tap or insert all major cards to get paid in 2.7 seconds.

Faster than fast


Its touchscreen is super responsive and easy to use.

Product & staff tools

Workplace Mobile Phone Icon

No pairing to a phone or tablet needed. Just turn on and sell.

The Yoco Khumo is made for businesses that do more. A card machine that comes with free unlimited 4G data, WiFi connectivity, product catalogues and staff profiles.

Whether you're in retail, hospitality, beauty or professional services, the Khumo is built to grow with your business.



* Free delivery anywhere in SA within 3 working days.

Khumo Print

Full-HD Touchscreen

Workplace Mobile Phone Icon

Make sales and check your sales history on a

high-res display.

Easy & Smart

Smartphone Outline Icon
Lightbulb Icon

Unbox your card machine. Turn it on. Sign up on device. Accept card payments.

Lightning Fast


The Khumo Print processes payments in 3 seconds with free, unlimited 4G.

The Khumo Print is our smartest standalone card machine with a built-in printer. Enjoy free, unlimited 4G mobile data, connect to WiFi and print physical receipts.

The Khumo Print gets more intelligent over time. We regularly add new features to help you grow. These are 100% free and available after automatic software updates.

Wide recolorable gradient
Halftone pattern background
Halftone pattern background

Smaller than banks, but big on service

Laptop Icon.

Help Centre

Cellphone Icon

Support Line

Chat Icon

Live Chat

Cash in Hand

Cash Advances

Thinking Speech Bubble

on your Yoco Machine



I am an affiliate of Yoco, and when you use the provided links to sign up or make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.